Website presented by Noé WILLER, Art Expert of the XIX-XX century

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Jean-Gabriel Domergue: Exhibitions and fairs in Paris, the provinces, abroad…

He exbhibits at the Salon des Artistes Français in the Grand Palais des Champs-Elysées.
1906 :    

“Tea Time”

He uses his sister, Charlotte, as the model for the face and his mother for the dress.

The work was awarded a ‘distinction’.

That same year at the Salon d’Automne, he also exhibits:

“The Dreamer” (n°490)

“The Christmas Turkey” (n°491)




1910 : “Young Woman in Green”
1908 : “Portrait of my Father” (n°568) “My Grandfather and my Grandmother”





1911 : “Arcadia”

A State-commissioned decorative panel.

“The Dancer”

Depicting the dancer, Gina Maletti, on stage.


1912 : “The Daffodil Dress”

The model is none other than the future singer, Lucienne Boyer, portrayed as a young woman in front of a pond in the gardens of Versailles. “Portrait of Monsieur Théodore Avonde”




1913 : “The Lesson of Love in the Garden”

This painting illustrates the cover of ‘L’Illustration’ magazine’s issue dedicated to the Salon which demonstrates how much attention it received.

Note that the smiling woman sitting on the balustrade in the gardens of Versailles already exudes charm…

“Portrait of Her Serene Highness Princess Lucien Murat”



1914 : “The Frog or The Interrupted Hairstyle”

“The Alcantara Bridge”

1920 : “The Sweet Illusion”

1921: At the Salon d’Automne, he exhibits as an illustrator in the ‘book’ section.

1922 : “In the Shadow of a Young Girl in Flower”

1922 : “The Lady with the Rose”
1923 : “Madame Jenny S…”
1925 : International exhibition of the modern decorative and industrial Arts of Bordeaux


J G Domergue
The ceiling of the tower of Bordeaux.

The ceiling of the tower of Bordeaux was executed by J-G DOMERGUE.

“I endeavoured to sing Bordeaux, land of Cognac and wine; Bordeaux, the large port open to our colonies and Bordeaux, the antechamber of pine forests and Basque beaches. Amid the alcoholic vapours from the alambics, a woman distills grape juice whilst her companions strive to create new and precious blends for our gourmet palate.

Rubber, ivory and exotic fruit make up the merchandise that the Creole and the Negros wearing bright-coloured rags, lay out before our eyes thanks to the steam ship tied-up in smoke visible in the distance. With its mauve-grey quays, like the sky, its rust-coloured port and its heavy bunches of grapes held in women’s hands. This is how Bordeaux appeared to me, the capital of wine. ” 


1933 : “Diane”, at the Salon de la Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts. 1936 : 2 works representing «Joséphine Baker»          



His exhibitor’s card.

He is also in demand abroad. He regularly exhibits, among other places, at the Royal Academy in London and at the Carnegie Institute in Pittsburg. In 1955, he exhibits for the first time in Montreal.