jean gabriel domergue






  • Biographie du peintre français Jean Gabriel DOMERGUE

    Jean-Gabriel DOMERGUEJean-Gabriel DOMERGUE est né le  4 mars 1889 à  Bordeaux  – fils de Gabriel DOMERGUE, nouvelliste, critique d’art, puis rédacteur à « La Liberté » et à « L’écho de Paris ».

    Jean Gabriel est élève au Lycée de Bordeaux, puis à Paris  au Lycée Rollin, il est passionné de dessin.  Il remporte le premier prix d’un concours de dessin organisé par la ville de Paris, suite à quoi une amie de sa mère lui commande son portrait, il a 14 ans, c’est sa première commande… Il retrouve à Montmartre TOULOUSE LAUTREC, un cousin éloigné ; il fréquente son atelier et en sa compagnie découvre le Moulin Rouge et ses danseuses… Il emprunte, puis partage  un atelier situé au dessus de l’atelier de DEGAS, rue Victor Massé.

    C’est dans l’escalier qu’il fait sa connaissance. Malgré un accueil glacial, DEGAS le prend en amitié et après l’avoir mis à l’épreuve en lui faisant repeindre une même porte plus de vingt fois, lui apprend à regarder et à voir…pendant plus d’une année. Jean-Gabriel ne regrettera jamais cette période. Il rencontre et  admire BOLDINI à travers  ses descriptions  des élégantes mondaines aux dessins nerveux et sophistiqués, le regard publicitaire de CHERET l’enchante.

    Dès le 20 octobre 1903, Il entre à l’école des BEAUX ARTS DE PARIS dans l’atelier de ‘Cormon’ sous le n°1055 (sous le nom de Jean Emile Domergue)

    Il y est admis le 9 novembre 1906, sous le n°6874

  • Jean-Gabriel DOMERGUE



    On October 20th, 1903 Jean-Gabriel Domergue
    enters the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris

    He is admitted into Cormon’s studio under n°1055
    (using the name Jean-Emile Domergue)
    on November 9th 1906, under n°6874.



  • Jean-Gabriel DOMERGUE : Professional and society life – a review of the press


    Christmas 1913 : The Cover of ‟La Vie Heureuse” magazine.

    Le tableau de la ‘Princesse Murat’
                Painting of ‘Princess Murat’             

  • Parcourons son Cheminement personnel et professionnel
    à travers quelques coupures de presse : 

    Noel 1913 : couverture du magazine « LA VIE HEUREUSE »

    Le tableau de la ‘Princesse Murat’
             Le tableau de la ‘Princesse Murat’              

  • Jean Gabriel DOMERGUE à Cannes, villa Fiesole

    Villa FIESOLE    

    Jean Gabriel DOMERGUE à Cannes, villa Fiesole Jean Gabriel DOMERGUE à Cannes, villa Fiesole
  • The Catalogue Raisonné is in preparation : more than 4000 works are listed and archived according to the dates and subjects depicted. 

    For further information regarding the inclusion of a work, Contact us

    Despite the different periods and the evolution in his work, Jean-Gabriel DOMERGUE is often categorized as a portraitist or nude painter. He was, however, also an excellent flower and landscape painter. Using superimposed or mixed brushstrokes, he blended shades of red, yellow and orange to achieve veritable pictorial symphonies.

    Jean-Gabriel DOMERGUE was fond of Versailles, its surroundings, its lakes and its pavilions which he painted with delicacy and elegance.

    In Bordeaux, Saint-Jean-de-Luz, Biarritz and its surrounding area, he loved to paint the numerous small ports.

    However, it is apparent that his preferred subject was Women.

    - An early work

    Les différentes périodes artistiques Jean Gabriel Domergue

    The painting was executed around 1913. Whilst inspired by Toulouse Lautrec’s scenes, he has already personalised his brushstrokes which were to become a constant throughout his work.               

    - Landscapes

    A selection of landscapes by Jean Gabriel Domergue :

    Jardin de Versailles Paysage, Tolède - 1913
    Jardin de Versailles Paysage, Tolède - 1913
  • Jean Gabriel DOMERGUE à travers les fêtes, mondanités.

    Odette DOMERGUE:

    “My husband was a born organiser but also a hard worker.”

    Jean-Gabriel DOMERGUE:

    “Parties allow one to live beyond the confines of time, beyond the ordinary… a clean break from everyday life where, for a few hours, everyone becomes ‘another’ and can live without constraint…”

    Créateur-magicien de fêtes grandioses : citons-en quelques unes…

    Magical creator of lavish parties. To name a few…

    On June 24th 1922, he organises the 18th Century Venetian themed ‘Ball of a Thousand Beauties’ at the Paris Opera House. He decorates the edge of the boxes with antique tapestries and large gold shawls. He lines the huge stage entirely with black velvet…He both designs and executes the decor.

    On November 24th 1922, he organises the Festival of Saint Catherine in Montmartre.

    On May 29th 1923, he recreates the atmosphere of the Second Empire for the Gavarni Ball at the Paris Opera House.     

    On June 8th 1923, he organises the 1830 Ball at the Palais Royal.

    He then organises another ball to bring the parasol back into fashion – the elegant automobile contest in the Bois de Boulogne  and also the bathing costume contest at the Molitor swimming baths on June 18th 1934.

    On July 6th 1935, he creates a firework show for the grand night at Longchamp entitled ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. On May 6th 1936, the Red Cross commission him to organise a grand flower ball. In 1947, he presides at the house of CARVEN’s Festival of Saint Catherine.

    For the theme of each party he designs costumes for the women and the men and helps the couturiers realise them. Thus he became a valued friend to all the grand couturiers of the time but above all to Paul POIRET.

    Carnaval, circa 1920


    Jean-Gabriel Domergue’s parties in the town were famed and remembered long afterwards. Notably: In honour of Maurice Chevalier in 1929 and the Venetian Gala in 1931. In the Winter of 1922-23 his energy is boundless: On January 20th he recreates a Moroccan souk in which all the traditional costumes are represented, from that of the beggar to that of the richest Fasi, and North African dances punctuate the entertainment. January 27th marks the Festival of Seville in Spanish costumes. February 3rd is the enchanted garden where flowers and fruit abound. On February 10th the ‘Snow Queen’ arrives. White and ermine fur coats could be seen among all the polar animals. The 17th February is lit up by the Festival of Light where the costumes illustrate all manner of lighting.

    On February 24th is the Festival of the Far East with Chinese porcelain, Buddhas, dragons and pagodas. On the 3rd of March is the couture gala where new designs from the Parisian grand couturiers are presented. Four grand balls are also held: on February 13th, Shrove Tuesday, is the grand Venetian ball; the 8th of March marks the middle of Lent with Robinson from 1840 to 1860, the Orphéon band, Veronique and the donkey, students and grisettes; March 10th marks the Nautical ball where corals, shells and imaginary sea monsters could be seen. Finally, on March 17th, to finish on a royal note, the party is held beneath the trees at the Trianon with marchionesses, shepherdesses and costumes from the 18th Century.

    What a fertile imagination and what energy he had!





    Over the years Jean-Gabriel DOMERGUE and his wife held dazzling receptions at their villa, the Fiesole, with its enchanting surroundings, which, undoubtedly contributed to Cannes’ success.

    The ball at the Carlton.



    As a fine connoisseur, in 1937, he organises the ‘Coiffure de soirée’ gala, dedicated to one of the most beautiful female attributes. Gifted with communicative joy and a striking sense of humour, Jean-Gabriel DOMERGUE, who organises society’s most fashionable festivities in France, is in demand abroad: He creates the ‘Goya ball’ for the Spanish court in Madrid.





    The Principality and its prestigious Opera house had to wait until 1925 in order to enjoy Jean-Gabriel DOMERGUE’s creativity with ‘the Golden Ball’, ‘the Enchanted Garden Ball’ and the ‘Arrival of Spring’. All of them were in heavenly settings and had a considerable success.




    For the inauguration of the ‘Train Bleu’, Monsieur Cornuché called upon Jean-Gabriel DOMERGUE which resulted in the unforgettable ‘gai voyage’ in 1923, on the 29th and 30th June.

    On Whit Sunday in 1932, he organises ‘the ball of the frogs”

    On 14th July, 1936 he organises the ‘Petits chapeaux’ gala. 




    In 1922, the ‘Grand Ball of the Second Empire’ at the Hôtel du Palais was honoured with the presence of King Alphonse XIII and his wife, Queen Victoria and the Shah of Persia as well as many dignitaries of the era. In the following years, Jean-Gabriel DOMERGUE would organise the entertainment at the Casino de Bellevue.

    “Costumes for the Second Empire Ball”


    Jean-Gabriel DOMERGUE, conservateur du Musée JACQUEMART ANDRE – Institut de France


    Jean-Gabriel DOMERGUE est directeur de l’Institut des Musées JACQUEMART-ANDRE.

    -         Musée JACQUEMART-ANDRE - 158, boulevard Haussmann – Paris 8ème

    -         Abbaye de CHAALIS – Ermenonville – Seine et Oise

    Etablissements légués en 1912 à l’Institut de France, par Madame Edouard André, née Nelly Jacquemart, conformément au vœu de son époux.

  • Jean Gabriel Domergue in Cannes, villa Fiesole

    Villa FIESOLE    

  • Une sélection de tableaux de Jean Gabriel Domergue :

    Catalogue Raisonné en cours : plus de 5 000 œuvres sont répertoriées, classées selon périodes et sujets :
    Pour tout renseignement concernant l’inclusion d’une œuvre : Nous contacter

    Les différentes périodes, évolution de son œuvre
    Nous présentons sur notre site une sélection de tableaux de Jean Gabriel Domergue.

    Jean-Gabriel DOMERGUE est souvent, par facilité, classé dans les portraitistes, nudistes… Mais il était aussi un excellent peintre de fleurs, de paysages. Par des touches superposées ou mélangées, il mariait des gammes de rouges, jaunes et orangés du meilleur effet et atteignait de véritables symphonies picturales….
    Jean-Gabriel DOMERGUE avait un faible pour Versailles, ses abords, ses lacs, ses pavillons qu’il peignait avec finesse et élégance.
    A Bordeaux, Saint-Jean-de-Luz, Biarritz et ses environs, il aima peindre de nombreux petits paysages de ports.
    Mais, il est évident que la Femme était son sujet préféré.

  • Une sélection de paysages de Jean Gabriel Domergue :

    Jardin de Versailles Paysage, Tolède - 1913
    Jardin de Versailles Paysage, Tolède - 1913


  •  The Presentation of the "Retrospective" exhibition in 1966 :

    Founded 30 years ago by J.-G. Domergue, the Galerie des Champs-Elysées has continued to extend its prominence. Entirely restored and renovated this year, the gallery is renowned in Paris and all over the world. Now presenting :

    J.-G. Domergrue, Michel de Saint-Alban (landscape painter), Schonegerg, D’Anty, Dupont, Barthalot, Raimbault and a few others.



    ‘The Master in his Studio’


    Works exhibited during the retrospective.

    Exposed Paintings: